Henry Criss Henry Criss

The Rising Tide

The phrase is commonly attributed to President John F Kennedy, who used it during a 1963 speech to defend a public works project that he was launching in Arkansas against criticisms that the project would only benefit a select few. President Kennedy went on to elaborate his point, saying “as Arkansas becomes more prosperous so does the United States and as this section declines so does the United States.

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Three Hard Lessons for New Team Leaders
Henry Criss Henry Criss

Three Hard Lessons for New Team Leaders

I have spent time leading teams in various contexts for most of my life and I have learned that there are some principles that cross all contextual lines. Regardless if you are leading in sports, business, government, church, or wherever.

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Tearing Down Walls by Building Up Relationships
Henry Criss Henry Criss

Tearing Down Walls by Building Up Relationships

There have been some strong words lately about the great need for change in our country and who’s fault it is we are struggling. From the recent events in Charlottesville, VA it has become apparent that a large group of (white) believe that people of color, especially immigrants, are the cause of the woes that they face in their lives.

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